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Επιμέλεια: Εργαστήριο Ιατρικής Πληροφορικής Δ.Π.Θ.


Εργαστήριο Φυσιολογίας Αναπαραγωγής
Τεχνητής Γονιμοποίησης





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  1.  Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Simopoulou M., Al-Hasani S., Diedrich K. (2004). Gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonists and cryopreservation outcome : a review. Arch. Gynecol. Obstet. (in press)
  2. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Simopoulou M., Al-Hasani S. (2004). A borderline form of empty follicle syndrome. Case report. Clin. Exp. Obst. & Gyn., 31 (1): 79 - 80.
  3. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Diedrich K., Al-Hasani S. (2004). Triptorelin versus cetrorelix in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles in women with a single ovary. Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol., 112: 185 - 188.
  4. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Simopoulou M., Al-Hasani S. (2003). GnRH agonist administration after embryo transfer, in long protocol stimulated cycles, prevents ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. A report of five cases. In Vivo, 17: 655 - 658.
  5. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Vakalopoulos I., Orologa M., Hatzissabas I. (2003). Father-to-son sperm donation. A report of three cases. Clin. Exp. Obst. & Gyn., 30: 226 - 228.
  6. Asimakopoulos B., Schöpper B., Simopoulou M., Diedrich K., Al-Hasani S., Nikolettos N. (2003). Serum and follicular fluid cytokine and hormonal levels after ovarian stimulation. Scan. Congr. Phys. & Pharm., Ödense 11-14/10/2003, Denmark, Abstract Book: 45.
  7. Tentes I., Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Simopoulou M., Al-Hasani S. (2003). MMPs in follicular fluids of women undergoing ovarian stimulation. Scan. Congr. Phys. & Pharm., Ödense 11-14/10/2003, Denmark, Abstract Book: 45.
  8. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Schöpper B., Tentes I., Diedrich K., Al-Hasani S. (2003). Serum and follicular fluid hormonal and cytokine levels as markers of IVF outcome. Hum. Reprod., 18 (s1): 118.
  9.  Al-Hasani S., Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Diedrich K. (2003). Comparison of the response to ovarian stimulation between women with one ovary and those with two ovaries, in a program of ICSI/ET. Acta Obstet. Gynecol. Scand., 82: 845-849.
  10. Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Al-Hasani S. (2003). Round and elongated spermatides injection in assisted reproduction: should it be used? In: "Controversies in Obstetrics Gynecology and Infertility", Z. Ben-Rafael, K. Diedrich, J-W. Dudenhausen, L. Metter, H.P.G. Schneider, Z. Shoham (eds), Oren Publisher Ltd, pp.95-105.
  11. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Tentes I., Schöpper B., Al-Hasani S. (2003). Matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in follicular fluids of patients undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation for ICSI/ET. In Vivo, 17: 201-204.
  12. Asimakopoulos B., Simopoulou M., Al-Hasani S., Nikolettos N. (2003). Women with one ovary in in-vitro fertilisation. Folia Medica, 45:25-29.
  13. Schröder AK., Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Diedrich K., Al-Hasani S. (2003). Frauen mit nur einem Eierstock: Verfügen sie über ein niedrigeres reproduktives Potenzial? Reproduktionsmedizin, 19: 81-83.
  14. Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Al-Hasani S., Diedrich K. (2003). An evaluation of the multiple dose protocol of cetrorelix in single ovary women. In Vivo, 17: 89-92.
  15. Schöpper B., Köster F., Asimakopoulos B., Diedrich K., Nikolettos N., Al-Hasani S. (2003). Ist der Erfolg einer Sterilitätsbehandlung mit intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektion bei einseitig ovarektomierten Frauen von der Lage des verbliebenen Ovars abhängig? J. Fertil. Reprod., 13: 13-15.
  16. Ασημακόπουλος Β., Al-Hasani S., Νικολέττος Ν. (2003). Η ανταπόκριση των γυναικών με μια ωοθήκη σε προγράμματα εξωσωματικής γονιμοποίησης. Εφυβ. Γυν. Αναπ. Εμμην., 15: 132-139.
  17. Asimakopoulos B., Al-Hasani S., Nikolettos N., Diedrich K. (2003). A comparison of the ovarian response to external stimulation between women with right or left ovary participating in programs of ICSI/ET. Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., 268: 168-171.
  18. Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Al-Hasani S. (2003). Prospective randomized study on day of embryo transfer. Letter to the editor. Hum. Reprod., : 892-893.
  19. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Hatzissabas I. (2003). Intrafamilial sperm donation : ethical questions and concerns. Hum. Reprod., 18: 933-936.
  20. Ζαχαρής Γ., Ζαχαρή Θ., Τοουλιάς Α., Ασημακόπουλος Β., Νικολέττος Ν. (2003). Μελέτη των επιπέδων του PAI-1 και πιθανή συσχέτιση του με τα επίπεδα οιστραδιόλης, TNFα, IL-1β, VEGF και λεπτίνης σε γυναίκες με ωοθυκική διέγερση για IVF. 9ο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Φοιτητών Ιατρικής Ελλάδας, 9-11/5/2003, Αθήνα.
  21. Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Al-Hasani S (2002). Outcome of cryopreserved pronuclear oocytes obtained after ovarian stimulation with either HMG or recFSH and the GnRH-antagonist cetrorelix. Reprod. BioMed. Online, 5, suppl.1: 52-56.
  22. Asimakopoulos B., Nikolettos N., Diedrich K., Al-Hasani S. (2002). Comparison of the outcome of ICSI cycles between women with right or left ovaries. 18th Annual meeting of the ESHRE, Vienna, Austria 2002.
  23. Nikolettos N., Al-Hasani S., Fornara P., Vakalopoulos I., Asimakopoulos B., Diedrich K. (2002). Outcome of anticipated ICSI cycles using intentionally frozen-thawed testicular spermatozoa according to the spouse’s response to ovarian stimulation. Clin. Exp. Obst & Gyn., 24: 126-130.
  24. Nikolettos N., Al-Hasani S., Küpker W., Vakalopoulos I., Asimakopoulos B., Fornara P., Diedrich K. (2002). Comparison of poor responders with good responders using intentionally frozen-thawed epididymal spermatozoa in subsequent ICSI cycles. Clin. Exp. Obst & Gyn., 24: 131-134.
  25. Nikolettos N., Asimakopoulos B., Vakalopoulos I., Simopoulou M. (2002). Endometrial fluid accumulation during controlled ovarian stimulation for ICSI treatment. A report of three cases. Clin. Exp. Obst & Gyn., 24: 290-292.
  26. Νικολέττος Ν., Diedrich K., Ασημακόπουλος Β., Κοντολέων-Βακαλοπούλου Ε., Al-Hasani S. (2001). Αποτελέσματα ενδοωαριακής έγχυσης σπερματοζωαρίων, μετά από λήψη από επιδιδυμίδα και κρυοσυντήρηση, σε γυναίκες με διαφορετική ανταπόκριση στα πρωτόκολλα διέγερσης. 2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μοριακής Βιολογίας στην Υγεία, Π.Ε.Β., Κολλέγιο Αθηνών, 5-6/10/2001.

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